
Atomic Mass of First 30 Elements

January 3, 2023
1 min

The atomic mass of an element is a measure of the amount of matter contained in an atom of that element, and it is typically expressed in atomic mass units (amu). The periodic table is a chart that organizes all of the known elements according to their atomic properties, including their atomic mass. In this article, we will explore the atomic mass of the first 30 elements on the periodic table, starting with hydrogen and ending with zinc.

These elements represent the building blocks of matter, and understanding their atomic mass can provide insight into the chemical and physical properties of the substances they form.

Atomic Element Atomic Mass
1 Hydrogen 1.008
2 Helium 4.0026
3 Lithium 6.94
4 Beryllium 9.0122
5 Boron 10.81
6 Carbon 12.011
7 Nitrogen 14.007
8 Oxygen 15.999
9 Fluorine 18.998
10 Neon 20.180
11 Sodium 22.990
12 Magnesium 24.305
13 Aluminium 26.982
14 Silicon 28.085
15 Phosphorus 30.974
16 Sulfur 32.06
17 Chlorine 35.45
18 Argon 39.948
19 Potassium 39.098
20 Calcium 40.078
21 Scandium 44.956
22 Titanium 47.867
23 Vanadium 50.942
24 Chromium 51.996
25 Manganese 54.938
26 Iron 55.845
27 Cobalt 58.933
28 Nickel 58.693
29 Copper 63.546
30 Zinc 65.38


Nathan M


Nathan has a degree in BSc Biomedical Chemistry at Warwick University and a degree in PGCE Science at Wolverhampton University, UK. Nathan's subject matter ranges from general chemistry and organic chemistry. Nathan also created the curriculum on Breaking Atom in the course page.

"Atomic Mass of First 30 Elements" Published on Jan 03, 2023.